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Wellness is not just a mission—it’s a message. It is time the healthcare system takes that next step — from bench to bedside and beyond; the beyond is now.
[rb_section_title title=”Education” icon=”con-none” border=”true” margin=”0″ width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”]
- Seminar Series
- Focus Groups
- Online Education
- Lunch-N-Learn Sessions
- Continuning Education Programs (CE)
[rb_section_title title=”Training” icon=”con-none” border=”true” margin=”0″ width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”]
- Executive Level
- Middle Management Level
- Train the Trainer
[rb_section_title title=”Disease Prevention” icon=”con-none” border=”true” margin=”0″ width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”]
Non-communicable Chronic Diseases
- Type II Diabetes
- Cancer
- Heart Disease and Stroke
Communicable Diseases
- Tuberculosis
Browne and Associates, Inc. has diversified health services management and leadership capabilities addressing:
- Health disparities in the health status of national and international populations
- Enhanced utilization of health information and communication technologies
- Health planning and health services assessment, population surveys and analysis
- Worksite wellness and disease prevention programs
- Health education awareness related to breast cancer, prostate cancer, women’s health, HIV/AIDS, etc.
- Clinical research directed towards minority and underserved populations, especially increasing participation in clinical research trials
- Health promotion, disease management, and radiation casualty management
- Knowledge advancement for providers, consumers, and health advocates
- Cultural competency training